Bur Oak - Quercus macrocarpa

We just planted our Bur Oak sapling this past weekend. The poor thing had been waiting patiently in its container for too long for us to decide where to plant it. It's a relief to have it in, and now we're sending it good vibes in hopes that it flourishes. We planted it on the edge of our native wildflower patch. Our toddler daughter Isa, helped by tossing handfuls of peat moss in to the planting hole, and watering. 

We have few oak savannas remaining here in the northern part of Illinois, but they are some my most favorite habitats native to the area. Like all other oaks, Quercus macrocarpa is slow growing. Their acorns are the largest of any oak tree species in North America, but our little tree won't start producing acorns until it is 30 years old. So...no instant gratification here, but even as a small sapling its a beautiful little tree. 

Other news: Monk Parakeets! I'm working on a painting of Monk Parakeets that hopefully will be used in a very interesting book project I'll be participating in. More details soon. 


  1. What a beautiful little painting! :) We planted an acorn when our youngest daughter was born and it's now a good sized oak tree. It outgrew her years ago and she's now 16!xx

  2. Ooh book sounds very exciting :)))
    We have an oak, we grew from an acorn, it's now about 18 foot high, luckily it's in the corner of the garden, but it may need a hair cut, after the squirrel has taken all the acorns, we have had acorns for a few years now, the tree is about 18years old? Different types will develop in their own way I guess? Love the illustration, that acorn does look different. :)

    1. Yes, I am guessing that different species of oak will have different ages as to when they develop acorns. It also probably depends on how healthy and well cared for the tree is. And the acorns of the Bur Oak are indeed unique! They have a little ring of fringe around the cap : )


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