Tiny Aviary New Year's Giveaway

2011 is wrapping up. Amongst other things that means I am getting ready for my annual trip to the wilds of Wisconsin's driftless region to stay in a cozy farm cottage with beloved friends and family.  It will be my daughter's first experience of this little tradition and I am counting the minutes!

Another tradition is that of first bird sighted on New Year's Day. The first bird I see 
New Year's Day I will make a painting of it, and that painting will be offered up in a little giveaway here on Tiny Aviary. If you wish to be included in the drawing, please leave a comment on this post. You do not need to leave your full name unless your google/blogger identity is very common like "John". Tutto capite, amici?

Ok, I wish you health, happiness and warmth.  Be kind to each other and the critters with which we share this planet. I'll be back to check on you peeps in 2012.

I will NOT be giving away this sublime bird-of-paradise print, but this one and others can be viewed here.

Thanks to my lovely friend Aaron for pointing them out. 

xo Diana


  1. Wishing you a lovely trip! Give Wisconsin a big hug for me :)

    Fingers crossed on the giveaway...

  2. Have a wonderful trip, and a very happy new year. Thanks for the chance to win!

  3. hi Diana! the first bird i will probably see is a pigeon or sparrow! would love to win and hope to see you and jay soon! happy new year! xx debra

  4. thanks for the giveaway
    happy new year

  5. Happy New Year and I hope you have a wonderful time on your trip! Oh yes, please enter me in the giveaway.

  6. Best wishes for a happy new year and lots of bird sightings! Thanks for having a giveaway!

  7. Have a wonderful trip and a very happy new year! :)

  8. I would love to win a painting of a pigeon, as long as it was done by you! Have a wonderful New Years and give yourself and family hugs from me.

    Cheers, Annie

  9. Have a wonderful holiday! I know the first bird I see (& hear!) in the new year will be a sassy little cinnamon cockatiel =)

    *fingers & feathers crossed*

  10. Am I disqualified? If not, I want in on the action :-). Hooray Wisconsin! Hooray first bird of the new year!

  11. Absolutely not, but I will have to find a way to hide all of the WI birds from you on NYD.

  12. Diana, Happpy New Year to you, I am sure your daughter will love herr new experience. I've been following your blog for a while and really love your work. Rendell

  13. Happy Holidays, Diana, your art's looking beautiful!

  14. Happy New Year to you and your lovely family. Safe travels!

  15. Can't wait to see what bird it will be! Happy new year to all!


  16. Have a very happy new year! I can't wait to see your first bird painting. Thank you for the chance to win it! Please enter my name in the hat!

  17. Enjoy reading your blog and interesting stories. Can't wait to see what bird you will draw. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Happy New Year!

  18. Enjoy your trip! Love your artwork. :)

  19. I'm a big fan and when I met you a couple years ago you were very nice.

  20. Hi Diana. I've been perusing your work lately and thought I'd jump on this opportunity. Hope you guys are well.
    Kate (and Kevin and Coco)

  21. Happy New Year and have a great getaway.

  22. A happy and prosperous new year to you and yours from one side of the globe to the other.

  23. Happy New Year! What a great idea for a giveaway :)

  24. Thanks for the contest! Enjoy your time away. Happy New Year!

  25. i still think you should bring your beloved friends and family to our house for new year's, even if it's not wisconsin.

    but we'll try to have fun without you all...

    [fixed egregious typos]

  26. Oo oo! Happy New Year, and thanks for the giveaway :)

  27. happy new year, diana! thanks for sharing through your always thoughtful and inspiring blog!

  28. Amazing giveaway. I admire your birds paintings so much!

  29. Have a wonderful adventure! I promise to give your painting a very good home! :D :D :D

  30. What a wonderful magical giveaway. I love the tradition of painting the first bird you see. I would be honored if I won, thanks for such a lovely giveaway.

  31. Have a great new year! Hoping for a flock of birds. :)

  32. Guess I will be known as unknown (aka Tom)

  33. have a wonderful holiday
    thank you for your beautiful art, love of nature and generous spirit

  34. Have a wonderful trip. Getting cozy in a cabin sounds great but I'll be spending part of the first day of 2012 at a wildlife preserve helping people see and learn about it's wetland inhabitants. Can't think of a better way to spend the 1st. Hopefully some Sandhill Cranes will be hanging around in our vicinity. I do love them.

  35. Have a wonderful trip with your little girl, not sure what birdies you might see in Wisconsin?? But I will hope I might win... I may see a Blackbird if I shake the seed when I feed the birds, he comes for the raisins which I throw under the shrub for him :) Not so easy to paint, Blackbirds!

  36. I wish you the happiest, most inspiring and productive new year! ( I secretly wish the same for my self!) I look forward to seeing your birdies and a chance at owning one for myself! Take care! :D

  37. oops, I was on my mom's laptop and I think I used her Google account. I hope this works with mine now!


  38. No problem, but I did remove the previous comment so I don't mistakenly enter you in the drawing twice. Thanks!

  39. Diana-
    I would love one of your pieces. I'm from Wisconsin, too, so there are 2 things that I love about this giveaway. Have fun! Cynthia

  40. I am prepared for new and amazing things to happen to me this year!

  41. great giveaway
    Hope you have an awesome year

  42. Have a happy New Year!
    Thank you for the contest

  43. Generous idea.

    Have a nice trip and keep safe.

  44. Nothing like losing yourself in the wilds of Wisconsin with family & friends over the holidays. Keep up the beautiful work and Happy Holidays! Tony

  45. Happy New Year to you! Thanks for the giveaway.

  46. Have a nice trip!
    I hope to see my first bird before April - they all flew south!

  47. Thank you so much ! What a cool way to come up with a painting and awesome giveaway.

  48. I've loved reading your blog over the last year Diana. Thank you for this chance to win one of your beautiful paintings. A very Happy New Year to you!

  49. Have a great trip and a fantastic New Year!

  50. Happy New Year !!! Keep up the beautiful work !! Thanks for the chance at your work !!

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Just got back from KS where Canada Geese were everywhere. It made me miss home.

    Happy New Year!


  53. I would love to be included. Happy New Year!

  54. Beautiful work! Happy New Year, and thanks for the opportunity!

  55. Quite a few bird sightings in Florida- and the gifts were well received. Happy final hours of 2011.

    and thank you for the contest!

  56. I'm originally from Toamh, WI "where the I divides" and "cranberry country. So how far from the Dells and Baraboo will you be? Will you be able to go and visit the Crane Ranch? I would love to win one of your paintings.
    Thank you and have fun in WI!

  57. Guessing it'll be a chickadee this time around... Happy New Year!

  58. Have a wonderful new year! Here's to a worthy first-of-year. :)

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. 'Gelukkig Nieuwjaar' from the Netherlands and wishing you a good trip... Hans-Daniel

  61. I love your tradition of painting the first bird you see on New Year's Day! Have a wonderful trip wih your family.

  62. What a lovely idea. Enjoy your trip and happy new year!

  63. Best wishes for a joyous New Year's and many blessings in 2012. Happy birding tomorrow.

  64. What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks and a happy new year to you!

  65. Have a terrific trip and a happy and healthy New Year!

  66. Just discovered your blog via a link on Geninne's art blog from 2008. 2012 is already starting to shape up well knowing I have another great art blog to view.

  67. I would definitely LOVE to enter such a delicious draw!

    May your new year tingle on your fingertips and the scent of possibility waft through the wind towards your dreams and little holiday...

    Happy 2012!



  68. Happy new year, and thanks for always posting such interesting things! Your blog is a wonderful way to get my study skin/ornithology fix.

  69. Oh, what a wonderful idea! I love your work and I can't wait to see what your first bird is.

  70. some beautiful images glad to have discovered your site (and sight)

  71. Looks like you had a great trip :) Excited to see what bird you will paint :)

    ~ Kristen Martyn

  72. I hope it's not too late to enter. Birds are my solace and joy and I love your artwork. Wishing you a joyous New Year!


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