New Endeavors: FLINCHY

Hello! Grumble grumble - yeah I know it's Monday. I wish you "Happy Monday" even if you are having a creaky start to your week. I will be announcing the winner to the Galapagos Finches print contest this Wednesday. If you weren't aware of the giveaway, hop over to the previous post and get your name in to the hat. In the meantime, I wanted to share with you one of my new projects. I am part of a new t-shirt company called "Flinchy" along with fantastic artists Jay Ryan and Tom Stack. Jay, Tom, and I create all of the designs. We just got it up and running a while back, and are getting close to having another round of new designs up (one of which will be my Darwin's Finches image). The lovely Chicago writer Gretchen Kalwinski is modeling my Raven Heart design. Go to FLinchy HERE!
That's SO cool Diana!